Designer: Svenskt barnbildarkiv
Year: 2014
City: Eskilstuna
Country: Sweden
Concept Description
On the giant fire gable by the empty building plot at the junction Nygatan /Bruksgatan there will be image projections and movie show under Nattljus in collaboration with SBBA (Swedish children’s drawing archives), Film i Sörmland (regional film support org.) and Royal Cultural Centre. Swedish children’s drawing archive (SBBA) since 1977 collects children’s drawings, paintings and digital images / movies. The collection consists of more than 650,000 images from the 1790s to the present day and is part of Eskilstuna Art Museum. SBBA shows slide shows of children’s drawings from the 1800s until today. Film i Sörmlands mission is to promote the movie in the whole county with education, talent development and by viewing and distribution of films. During Nattljus they show short film and video each evening. In a thirties’ cinema at the square Järntorget in Nyfors you’ll find non-profit cultural center Royal. ”There is a movie theater and stage for everyone. It is a venue where we can create culture and it has several rooms that anyone can rent.” Royal contribute with a short film shown each evening. Royal also produces a film program especially for Nattljus. Welcome to the cinema in Nyfors to view films. During Nattljus, a more detailed program of screenings will be found at
Photographer: Karin Ermegård