Explore the most outstanding works in lighting design.

Vattenbron – Water Bridge

Designer: ÅF Lighting

Year: 2014

City: Eskilstuna

Country: Sweden

Concept Description

The parallell bridges railroad bridge Järnvägsbron and pedestrian and bicycle bridge Kyrkbron takes you over the Eskilstuna River between Old City and Fors church park with Eskilstunas oldest building Fors Church. Current construction projects nearby affects environments around the bridges with new movement patterns and more people in the area moving by foot and on bike. Both bridges are lit up by a lighting design that creates both a landmark, a beautiful addition to the urban space and increase security in the dark passages under the massive railway bridge. The lighting design involves both a constant light that highlights and shows the way and a flexible part with surprising details that add an extra dimension related to humans and water, a more spiritual dimension – the bridges as a metaphor and the role of a bridge in several ways. Light is a balance between the artificial city lights with colors and neon and day-light and its changes and the light towards the water, a balance that fits the historical setting, where also many new things happen.

Photographer: Göran Jonsson