Designer: MA Pia Salmi, MSc Leena Kaanaa, MSc Tom Schneider
Year: 2016
City: Vantaa
Country: Finland
Constructor: The Finnish Transport Agency, City of Vantaa
Contractor: Suomen sähkörakennus Oy
Manufacturer: Savled Oy
Concept Description
Ring III is part of the international E18 road and serves as connection between Southern Finland cities, harbours and Helsinki airport. Traffic volume along the road is one of the heaviest in Finland, approximately 70 000 vehicles per day. According to transport forecasts total traffic volume will increase almost 50 % by the year 2030. Ring III – Lentoasemantie intersection is the entrance to the Helsinki airport. KIITO light artwork and the façade lighting of the bridges create the atmosphere of departure and welcome those coming to Finland. The lighting of the bridges are designed in the spirit of variation of four seasons. At the dark time the facades of the bridges repeat the colors of the ongoing season: in the wintertime bridges are blue, in the spring light green like tree leaves and orange in the autumn. The tone of the color also changes according to the circadian rhythm, in the morning tone of the color is bright and in the evening deep. In addition lighting is programmed for special situations according to the calendar year. Lights turns on and off by the astronomical clock. To ensure the traffic safety the lighting of the bridge facades are static. On New Year’s Eve light varies slowly and you can realize the variation by driving again past the road intersection. KIITO light artwork is like airplane taking off to the sky. The light is normally white and the feast days KIITO is two-coloured and light slides through the artwork.
Photographer: Ari Kujala WSP Finland Ltd