Explore the most outstanding works in lighting design.

Koskipuisto, Tampere

Designer: VALOA Design

Year: 2008

City: Tampere

Country: Finland

Constructor: City of Tampere

Concept Description

Koskipuisto Park, built in early the 1900’s, is situated in the heart of Tampere city. It is a part of national landscape of Tammerkoski rapids. In 2008 the promenade of Koskipuisto was restored in its 1930’s style by the City of Tampere. The original type of the luminaires with decorative lighting poles and benches creates a dignified atmosphere. Luminaires are custom made in order to avoid light pollution. There are still some trees planted in the early 1900’s which are lit with recessed luminaires. I participated in this project as the designer and the project manager of the Valoa design Ltd.

Photographer: Reija Pasanen