Explore the most outstanding works in lighting design.

Hyöky (Surge) sculpture

Designer: Annukka Larsen

Year: 2006

City: Jyväskylä

Country: Finland

Architect: Artist Kimmo Schroderus

Electrical: Jouko Parhiala

Constructor: Senaatti-kiinteistöt

Manufacturer: Targetti

Concept Description

The artist Kimmo Schroderus has a massive work of art called Hyöky (Surge) on the slope of Ylistönrinne and it is illuminated with plenty of cold white light. The material of the work, 6,5 km of shiny steel rods welded together, powerfully reflects light to all possible directions. In the dark, the nature of the work changes due to artificial lighting.

Photographer: Juhana Konttinen