Designer: Annukka Larsen
Year: 2011
City: Jyväskylä
Country: Finland
Electrical: Jani Kuustie KS-Kitek Oy
Constructor: City of Jyväskylä, Centre for Economic Development, Transport & the Environment ELY
Contractor: KS-Kitek Oy
Manufacturer: iGuzzini
Concept Description
The Vaasankatu Bridge curves from the end of Vaasankatu street and over the railway tracks to Rantaväylä by-pass road. The bridge is the third location of the Gateway Bridges of Jyväskylä project, a joint venture between the city and the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment. The colourful lighting on the underside of the arched bridge follows the themes of the Gateway Bridges of Mattilanniemi and Lohikoski that were completed earlier. Intense light with a magenta hue makes the passers-by slow down the speed. The bridge was the first illuminated location in Jyväskylä that was totally created with LED lights only.
Photographer: Juhana Konttinen