Year: 2012
City: Copenhagen
Country: Denmark
Architect: Svenn Eske Kristensen, Edvard Heiberg, Karl Larsen, Ole Buhl , Harald Petersen
Manufacturer: Osram A/S
Concept Description
Bellahøj is a housing complex built between 1951–1956. It is an example of the modernism era in Copenhagen. The total area is 145,000 m2, and there are many buildings with several purposes. This lighting project was part of the 80th anniversary of the housing company Fsb. Fsb celebrated its 80th anniversary by offering residents an exceptional experience in the form of a lighting event one September evening. 500 residents witnessed Bellahøj changing into an exciting and varied landscape where buildings and trees came to life. Rambøll Lys had created a colourful urban space for the housing company. Light was used in a deliberate way considering both residents and the location. We at Osram are happy we were able to work with others to get involved in making this happen.
Photographer: Osram